In every fuckin issue, the “editors” love to talk about themselves. What they do, what they don’t like, etc. Does anyone really give a fuck except for the ricer enthusiast who think the words of these “editors” is law? I mean, one “editor” talked about what he’s accomplished in his life. My question is… how much have you added to the GDP? Another “editor” bitches about hotels. Listen… if you don’t like it, then find a different line of work. He speaks as if he’s the only person in the world that deals with problems at hotels. Fuckin idiot.

The chief “editor” dedicates an entire column to his newly born son. That’s great. Cuntgratulations. But do I give a fuck about your kid or anyone else's? If I wanted to read about newborns, I’d pick up an issue of Parenthood magazine, not a car magazine. Get your shit straight.

This issue of Stupid Street kicks off with photos from a party that they threw. WOW. They threw a party. Who gives a fuck. They pose like they’re fuckin celebrities. Z-list celebrities, that is. They do these little photo set-ups at every Asian-centric club in Hollywood. And there's plenty of Vietnamese mail order bride "models" for your viewing [dis]pleasure. Ain't this fuckin special and worth 2-pages.

First feature car is a Mazda wagon from Australia. Eh, the last time I checked, we live in the United States of America. Foreign cars are cool, but the relevance factor is at the bottom of the barrel.
Second feature is on a DC5 “built” by Fred Chang. As we all know, none of the so-called “builders” in the scene actually wrench. They pick parts, ask companies to provide the parts for free or nearly free and ask someone else to put it altogether. Again, how is this fuckin relevant to the reader? If everyone got their shit for free, then it’d be a different world, wouldn’t it?
The third feature is on an FD3S owned by Nick Fousekis of Falken tires. It’s a cool car, but don’t you wonder why they stuck it in here? That car’s been around since 2000 or so and no one ever ran it. Hmm… could it be because Falken’s a big advertiser?
Next up is drag racing in Australia. Nice and all, but this is all at a place thousands of miles away, across the Pacific and in the southern hemisphere. Once again I ask, where’s the relevance?
Next feature is about some fuckin journalist camp that Dunlop (owned by Goodyear) tires held. Once again, who gives a fuck?
Then, Stupid Street attributes what seems like ½ the issue (would make sense since there are more advertising pages than content pages) to their stupid Nopi tour. Oh yeah, more photos and words pumping themselves as z-list celebs. Fuckin pathetic when you have to tout that you’re a celeb of one form or another. Real celebs don’t have to do that.

For a tech feature, they explain how to install some Carbing chassis bars provided by Tein. You have to a complete fuckin moron if you have to read this shit to figure out how to install some lame ass bars. Who’s suckin Tein’s dick? I really wanna know.

Then they use 2 full pages to showcase some Volk wheels. Like we haven't seen enough Volk wheels to last a fuckin lifetime. Do you ever wonder why Stupid Street seems to suck so much Volk dick? Well, here’s why. Jonny Wong went to high school with Eddie Lee of Mackin Industries (the company that imports Volk wheels) and they were also in a car crew together. You rarely ever see other wheels being given their true due because of this relationship.
Then they go through readers’ rides, which is one yawn after another, since without anyone’s knowledge, someone elected one of the “editors” at the final voice in determining whether a reader’s ride is cool or not. Okay, Simon. I guess we did elect you president while we were sleeping.
The final feature is a car owned by the brother of the import marketing dude at Autometer. I think you’re smart enough to figure out why / how this car ended up in Stupid Street.
As you can see, Stupid Street is just full of mutual masturbation / cock sucking bullshit. Readers don’t have a fuckin chance in hell of getting their car featured because the “editors” are busy talking about themselves, sucking advertisers’ dicks or featuring shit that has no relevance to the typical reader in middle America. As a matter of fact, this fuckin “magazine” is the best example of how the advertising sales department drives the content. What a fuckin piece of shit magazine. So good job, Stupid Street. Good job.