Ever watch America's Next Top Model? On that TV show, the judges oftentimes diss on the whores for having "the same look in every photo." In other words, some of these whores aren't versatile enough to create different looks based on the theme of the shoot. They just bang out the same old fuckin look for every photo. A friend of mine reminded me of one in our circles that fits this description to a T. KT, that is. I mean, look at the montage of various photos of her above. She has that same fuckin open, gaping mouth look in every fuckin photo. It's that classic "UH DUH" look. What's her fuckin problem? Is she a babbling, drooling autistic idiot? Why is she posing with her mouth wide open? I think she needs a cock in her mouth. That must be what it is. Oh and you can totally see the massive underbite she has in some of these pics.