Monday, February 19, 2007


I've noticed that this blog is being read by a much bigger audience than I ever intended. Hell, this blog was intended as comedy relief for a few friends of mine who get a chuckle out of the "industry" and the dumb practices and some of the dumb people within - and yes, I do use that term "industry" very, very loosely. Of course, there are some very bright, hard working and fanatical people contributing as much as they can to the cause because they believe in what they do and they are car nuts for life. But that isn't what this blog is about. This blog is about the stupidity, incompetency and the bullshit that permeates seemingly everything around us.

I'm sure there are those who curse my words, asserting that I am full of shit, drinkin "haterade," and so on. Well, those are your opinions and you are entitled to that under the Bill of Rights. But why get bothered by my words in the first place? Does it resonate with a certain part of your consciousness that recognizes the validity in my words, yet another part of you tries to deny it? Mind you, what I write isn't based on conjecture, theories or rumors. It's what I know first hand as the truth. And it's really easy to recognize the truth if you look at things closely. You know, the nitty gritty details that oftentimes gets past the bullshit meter.

To me, questioning what exists is a right and an obligation. We scrutinize our public officials, mass media, mass consumer-centric companies, public utility companies, economic and fiscal policy and everything else that's around us. Yet we never scrutinize the "industry" and lifestyle that we embrace so tightly. Are we robots? Are we mindless zombies that readily accept, without question, anything and everything that is fed to us? If we don't question, then there is no progress or evolution. We stagnate in one place, satiated by the status quo.

The "industry" has come to a point where the end user, the consumer, has been completely forgotten. The magazines serve their own needs and the advertising sales department; companies produce subpar products in dimly lit factories in China, but fool the people with an endless barrage of advertising touting quality; unqualified sales people push products to potential customers because they just need to sell something, not something the customer really needs. Sure, this IS a retail-based industry and everyone's out ot make a buck. In the confines of a capitalist economy, that's fine and dandy. But it's not as if we're selling the consumer a piece of clothing or a pack of pencils. We're selling a lifestyle. And it SHOULD last the span of a person's LIFE, not a fleeting moment of fitting in with all da homies cuz you just saw the latest iteration of what Hollywood deems to be the "in" thing of the moment.

It's a codependent relationship. The consumer gives permission through their dollars for magazines and companies to exist. Magazines and companies serve the consumer by giving them what they need AND want. If either end of the equation stops fulfilling their role, then then equation will stop to exist. And as long as the equation is reality, you can bet your fuckin ass I will write about it.

Let the truth set you free.