Saturday, March 29, 2008


Recently seen at Hot Import Nights, Los Angeles... I am completely speechless

Happy spring, folks. I've come out of my winter hibernation, finally, and the first post of the year goes out to the hard working ladies... I mean, "models," of the import scene. Yes... those who spend hours on makeup, hair, attire, shaving their armpits / legs / pussy and, in some cases, their faces to present themselves to the world at large. It's amazing to me how some of these "modeling" websites would waste storage space in their solid state CF cards to shoot these bow wows. Without further delay, enjoy this lovely gallery courtesy of Pure [Not] Hot Models!

Ouch... my eyes!

Old girl looks like she's ready to drop a load.

Holy shit! I'm blind in one eye!

I am completely blind. Typing Helen Keller style now.

Can someone explain to me how this girl is a "model"? She has no waist.

Uh, okay.

There's that open mouth again.

I can never masturbate again.

Yeah, baby! Grow some eyebrows!