Friday, June 27, 2008

The Biggest Collection Of...

Ugly ass "models."

Seriously. This "SpoCom" show in Long Beach last weekend must have been the worst collection of wanna-be models in history. Browsing through different sites online is sheer proof that things are degrading fast. The economy is in the shits, gas prices continue to rise and mingers continue to flock to the import car scene like shits to flies. Armageddon is just around the corner.

Dogs of a feather, flock together
The hoe on the left has to wear two bras cuz she has no tits
Holy shit, look at the rolls on the hoe to the right

What the fuck is that on the right? Someone actually PAID her to be there?

Not only does this one have a Chinese maid face, look at the collection of fat on her knees

NO ONE is gonna go to this time attack shit considering the ugly ass hoes they put in the booth
Both are fat and ugly... look at the one in the back... she has a dude's beer gut!

Her upper body looks like that of a dude, coupled with fake tits... tranny?

Who the hell told these hoes that two bras > one bra? Oh yeah, forgot... you have no tits and need all the help you can get

It's the middle of fuckin summer and this hoe is wearing a knitted wool hat. Not only does this hoe not have any fashion sense, she has no common sense either

Ugly dog face, fake tits and oranguatan orange hair... all the makings of a wanna be import "model"

Tranny #2

Tranny #3

What's missing?
(Hint: Ass, hips, waist)

What isn't missing?
(Hint: A big ass mole with hair growing out of it)

Tranny #4 + two bras

Seriously... need I go on? Do you want to see photos from the "bikini contest"? (or as I like to call it, "the procession of monkeys") This has got to be the worst fuckin car show ever. Let's face it. People don't go to car shows to look at cars. It's only the show car owning fags that give a shit about the cars. People go to car shows to look at hoes. Rather a raw fuckin deal when you have to PAY to look at UGLY ass hoes.